
Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Favorite Brothers.

Title pretty much states everything. I have had so much inspiration lately, for songs... and even a one chapter story. But I can't put them into words. I want to write that story more than anything right now, but it would take hours... maybe 2 hours if I got it solid, but I have school tomorrow but I doubt I'm going because I'm feeling sick. Anyway that's not important.

I have never had a head full of ideas and imagination before in my life. I could write 50 songs before breakfast if they would just sort out!! The reason I can't write the 50 songs is because They're all scrambled up in my head and I can't figure out what lyrics would go where:

The sun is radiantly shining in the deep blue sea

Down low, way down low in the deep blue in the sky.

Yes. There is a song referring to a morning and the ocean. In answer to the before breakfast remark: Scrambled ideas instead of Scrambled Eggs for breakfast.

My inspiration lately has been the entire Jonas family. The band, the friends, and especially the family of 6. I found a few songs on youtube of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas singing worship songs for their church and [call me weird] but I feel as if I heard the exact same versions before... when I was little. But I don't think that they were famous, that's the issue. But I do know I have heard them before.

Here's a link to one of the songs. It's beautiful!

I know I sound like a nut, but I think even without knowing them the 17 years I've been breathing, they are the reason I kept pushing myself to go forward. When I was down, I didn't only feel God tell me that everything was going to be just fine, but I felt something else. My heart? Family? Friends? Dreams? I don't know. I felt as if God has been trying to tell me something about that family all these years, and I'm not sure but I think I figured it out.

I truly do feel as if I know them. I never met them, but I feel like I've known them my whole life. I feel like an alternate Mandy Van Duyne. I feel like I was there every sunday for church, I feel like I would go over for Thanksgiving, I feel like I'm a friend at home supporting their busy career. Why do I suddenly feel like this? It scares me because half of me says it's my imagination getting the best of my heart, and the other half is trying to wake me up. Pinch me, I must be dreaming. If it is real then God Bless. My mom is just like Denise Jonas in ways. They love to cook, they're Italian, they both share a middle name, and they have the same features. Only Mrs. Jonas is much more understanding. That's the only thing as far as in common goes.

There have been so many signs that my friend and I have pointed out in the past year, it would take hours to try to remember and type them all down. So I'm sorry there.

The hardest thing for me isn't a math test. It's not trying to manage in school while living on 30 minutes of sleep. It's not watching someone I care about deeply suffer... It's finding the correct words to thank that family. They have been with me through all these years and they don't even know my name. Only Nick, Joe, and Kevin know my face. I seriously owe them everything, I don't even know where to begin. It's hard to imagine what they would say when I try to tell them Thank you... but even that isn't enough. The brothers, as well as the band and family have stuck by me all these years. They sang to me when I needed a song that I forgot the words to, they dried my tears, Along with God they held me when I needed a hug. I truly love that family more than my own. When the time comes that we meet face to face, name to name, I can't imagine what will happen. Will I be different to them? Or will I be just another pretty face to blend in with the beautiful fans? Either way, I know in my heart that Nick, Joe, and Kevin, and even little Frankie have been my best friends for years. They always have been, and they always will be my Favorite Brothers.



Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Song - Rainy Drive

I wrote yet another song! I'm proud of this one... :) This one can go for any situation for feeling unwanted. It's similar to the Meteor Shower one, but this is focused on mainly one person. 


- About if nobody wants you around; mad at you, want to be alone, ect.

- You're always on their side no matter what.

I don't know what I've done, to scare you away.

I want to say sorry but don't know what to say.

Tonight I laid down, trying to fall into slumber.

Used to be sunny, now all I hear is thunder. 

I sit by the window, watching time pass by in the sun going across the sky.

I know it's nothing, but I still wish I just knew why.

And the rain falls down, the storm moves in.

Why are you slamming doors and not letting me in.

I know you want me gone, only for right now

How did we drift apart so sudden, tell me how. 

I see the lightning in your eyes, and feel you push me away.

This is a pointless argument, yet I'm still on your side.

I know things will be fine, this is part of the rainy drive. 

You never could let me down, 

not even if you tried.

Easy to say you're a golden soul, and never lied.

My unofficial sister, motherly best friend.

Times are hard now, grief is out and in.

And the rain falls down, the storm moves in.

Why are you slamming doors and not letting me in.

I know you want me gone, only for right now

How did we drift apart so sudden, tell me how. 

I see the lightning in your eyes, and feel you push me away.

This is a pointless argument, yet I'm still on your side.

I know things will be fine, this is part of the rainy drive. 

Now you see, what I feel...

Remembering how I would open up my heart to you (When I needed to)

Not completely broken, but slightly cracked.

This friendship needs to be repaired, this time we'll show the love we lacked.

And the sun comes out, the clouds are gone.

I open the doors and letting myself in.

I still know you want me gone, but I see in your eyes...

We're not completely drifted to opposite sides.

The sky is blue again, we're almost back to where we began.

I never left your side, still standing by you.

We made it through the Rainy Drive as two.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jonas Brothers 8/4/9 - Best Night Of My Life!

I know I'm not the only one, but do you guys have any idea what it's like to look into the eyes of the person you care the most deeply about? Well I do now I just experienced that last night. It was my second JB concert and it was by far the most amazing night ever. This is long, but if you read it all, I hope you like it! 

Let me start off when we left the house to go to Arco. We left about 12:30 and got there at like 1:30 I drove can't you tell? :) We thought we couldn't park anywhere so I drove around with my mom and we found the bus COVERED in Grafitti and messages. The best one was "Make my babies Nick" according to my mom, it made her laugh like a nut. I actually bought something to sign it with, Sharpies! ...baaaad decision because I couldn't even see what I wrote! But here's me signing the bus:


yes I was very excited :] Then I hung around with 2 girls Courtney and Sofie that I met there. They were really sweet girls and I lost track of them like 3 hours later! :[ So after the bus signing, my mom needed lunch so we went across the street to get some lunch, I haven't eaten all day but I wasn't hungry because I was too excited and full of butterflies. After lunch we went back to the same spot and my mom rested in the shade [keep in mind she was texting the entire concert.] and I found 2 of my friends I went to school with. One of them saw me and screamed at the top of her lungs "JORDAN!!!" And everyone was freaking out and said "SPARKS!? WHERE?!" and looked around it was pretty hilarious! While we met up they tried thinking of what to sign on the bus.  

A few minutes later after they met Sofie and Courtney, my mom went to go sit in the car and relax until the concert line up started. So we bought a few things at the stand outside. I got a black tour shirt, Nicks LVTT shirt, and a tour book. I praise God for my paycheck because that was $95 all together. After we bought some stuff we got some Burger King Crowns from this really awesome guy with JB's 'bodyguard' the Burger KING. haha :] We all sat down and signed them. Then later the same guy wanted us to all compete in a screaming contest, so yep 2 of us did. Me and Sofie against 5 other girls, there was a tie breaker between this cute little girl who looked like she was wearing a Hannah Montana wig but it was her real hair, and this teenage girl. They both ended up winning 2 BK gift cards with Joe and Nick on them I think... not sure. But it was like standing behind a Jet.  

After this we stood and talked and some girl who worked with the staff came up to us and said "Hey! We're having a karaoke contest by Jordins bus, we're keeping it on the DL right now but there is an amazing prize." So we went down, you know me, I love to sing. It's my life, so the guy had me pick from one of her big hits and I chose "No Air" even though I don't know Chris' part AT ALL. So I started singing and the guy asked if I at least knew the chorus. I knew that and Jordins part spot ON. As I kept singing a crowd literally built up. There were fans, and even some security guards, and some people with video cameras. I kind of looked like Jordins style in the "Superstitious" video with my dress style. As I kept singing I would point to my 2 friends and act dramatic with the song and dance in the parts I forgot. I saw everyone whispering to each other as they watched me and I turned around and in the waiting line I saw Denise and Maci!!! Two members on here and they waved and were excited :] such nice girls! After I was done the guy said "...Yeah you're pretty much amazing. You get to meet Jordin Sparks" I stood there like this :mellow: I could NOT believe I won a meet and greet because of my singing. He asked my name and I reply: "Jordan!" and he kind of flinched and went "Wow okay there you go!" and he gave me 3 wrist bands and a pass I had to present. I turned around and I got these questions: 

"You Look like Jordin!!" 

"Are you related to her?!"

"Are you at least Demi Lovatos cousin?!"  

All nope. I'm not related to any singer :]  

My friends were dancing and screaming thank you's. When I calmed down, I ran to meet Denise and Maci and they said I was really good and they were such sweet girls. :] They sat next to me last summer and I didn't know them then but I'm happy I do now! I ran to my moms car and showed her the passes and told her. She flipped out and started screaming excitement! I was dancing and my friends kept jumping up and down. I was so happy I got to have them meet Jordin on their first JB concert! I was so so happy for them!  

This is the video of me after I won:


Once that ended we ran to get in the long line. Later, My mom joined us. We stayed in the same spot for like 2 hours. No water, it must have been at least 90 degrees outside. I sat on the curb with Jessica and Stephanie [my friends] and we talked to some other girls in line about the time. We kept complaining about the heat. We made some friends, it was fun! While we waited, Honor Societys golf cart drove by and they waved to us and smiled. Such sweet boys! Then the line started moving and everyone cheered!  

Once we were inside we went to look for our seats, we entered the arena and I was in awe. The stage was beautiful. It was seriously AMAZING how big it was and how close we were!  

So we waited and I was like Jumping in my seat I was too excited. Then suddenly there was like a roll what sounded like thunder... then the lights went out. And the DJ is what I'm calling him came out to get us fired up and excited. Then moments later came Honor Society!!! They were fantastic and I loved their songs, I didn't get to buy their album, but when it comes out I am so getting it.  


Then came the Wonder Girls! OMG they were so cute and adorable with their voices and how they taught us the dance.


Then came Jordin!! I took a video of her:

when she first came out it was hard to find where the heck she was! :) She is an amazing performer and I always looked up to her since she won American Idol.


AMAZING! After she was done, we rushed to the meet and greet line. But before we left the DJ said "Now I hear there is a future Mrs. Nick Jonas in the house?" and I turned around and was like "WHAT!!!" My mom said "HURRY! You're going to be late!" Because we had to meet Jessica and Stephanie. He ran to one side of the catwalk, then to our side and he yelled "I know she's over here! She's in a dress I know it!" I wanted to go back sooooo bad. and I was in a dress! Then we left for the meet and greet line and I heard him say "aww... I guess she's gone" I seriously freaked for a minute.

Once we met up with the Jordin crew, we went down behind a curtain in the arena all together. And we waited for like 10 minutes and started to freak out because "Paranoid" was playing and everyone was screaming. JB CAME ON AND WE WERE STILL WAITING FOR JORDIN!" So suddenly the line moved faster and faster and it was our turn! We walked behind the curtain and there was Jordin. She is a beautiful person and she is SO sweet. It was going by so fast so we didn't get to talk, so I got to say was "Jordin you are amazing!" and she thanked me :]


Then she signed my envelope were the meet and greet pass was in and she said "GO! GO! Go see the boys!" In a sweet way and we RAN. My mom had to use the bathroom [-___-""] so I gave her my ticket so she could get back in and I RAN to the wrong side. I didn't realize this until 15 minutes later! I thought 2 girls stole my seat, and I was on the wrong floor. I got scared because I was lost. and I was in the isle asking some people to excuse me so I could look around where I was, and they would give me dirty looks when I passed them...

THIS GETS DRAMATIC: Then my mom sent me these text messages with A LOT of swearing in them... I'd post them but they're too profane and kind of abusive verbally. I started to cry more and more because she was like "I swear if you do not try to look for me I will beat the living sh!t out of you." yes... my mom says these things to me. Because of her I couldn't enjoy my concert. So I ran around looking. and I tripped over a bunch of wires. I sat there and cried because she kept sending me hateful texts by the second. Once I got myself together, I stood up with a wet face and make up streaming down, and this was during "Fly With Me" and Joe looked at me and I swear I saw him mouth 'are you okay?' and I nodded and smiled and he gave me a thumbs up and smiled. Then what happened? I got 5 texts from my mom with "F*** ANSWER ME YOU BRAT"... :( Then I ran again looking. Now it was Nick performing his speech and "Black Keys" I feel so terrible because during his speech I was running around and the lights were up so he could see us... I bet if he saw me he thinks I'm a disrespectful girl. I felt so bad not even listening to him... and it was my moms fault. She ruined it all by yelling at me. I was running around still and then "Much Better" started and Nick walked down my side of the catwalk A LOT in the beginning of the concert. The same way he was walking was the same way I was following a security guard [yes I finally asked someone to guide me] and he looked at me like he was checking me out - he bit his lip - or 'what the heck is she doing?' then I found my mom and she yelled "SIT DOWN!" to me. And she grabbed my arm hard and yelled in my face, I shouldn't post it. But I have a sore arm. I praise God I was 2 seats away from her. 3 girls around me gave me hugs after they heard what happened. The girls sitting behind us looked like they wanted to yell at my mom for that, They gave her the nastiest looks ever. I mean I was CRYING my eyes out in the middle of "Tonight".

But things got better after that. Once "Year 3000" and "Gotta Find You" Played, I felt so much better. =] We were on the foam side, so no Lovebug view for us.

Here's some videos:

Play My Music


Turn Right:

Excuse my tone deaf singing if you hear me... haha :]

Then my favorite part of the night... Definitely was "When You Look Me In Eyes". I have never seen them look so happy in my life. Kevin was all smiles, Joe was nothing but laughter, and Nick gave the most adorable teeth smile ever in my video I took. I am so happy I caught it on tape:

During WYLMITE Nick, did nothing but look at me once he saw me. I know this all may sound over exaggerated but I promise you, Team Jonas, I am not lying. Would I lie? I promise. Joe looked at me for a second around 0:47, but when Nick first smiled [You can see it in the video], After Joe passed him he raised his eyebrows at me as if he was checking me out: 0:57-1:00 here's a picture of Joe:

and here's Nick:

Then once the Piano turned, he looked at me again. :)




and here's Kevin, but I forgot which song it was:
I had SO much fun with their cover of "Sweet Caroline" I didn't get it on video but here are the others:


Joe and Kevin Stalling:

and the rest you can find on my youtube :] youtube.com/JordyElizabeth

Here's who else I got:

Christa and Garbo!

She looks like she's yelling at him. haha =]

and here's JT looking at me:



and here's a girl who sat Next to me! She was SO sweet!

She went by Doodle :) you can see the rest of the photos here: http://s303.photobucket.com/albums/nn133/Lemonade_Ice/concerts/Jonas%20Brothers/?start=all

The whole Night was amazing:
- Joe Jonas asked if I was okay and gave me a thumbs up
- Nick Jonas checked me out and didn't stop looking at me and he was so happy!
- Kevin was all smiles! and he was so energetic!
- Everything was EPIC.

Oh I forgot! The ending. When they bow and run to the walks. When they ran to ours they held hands and everything. Nick was on my side and he bowed down, and he reached for all of us, and when I know he was looking at me, he smiled with no teeth and reached for my hand. Even though all these girls were trying to like pile on him, he just reached for me but I was 3 seats away and couldn't reach. He had the most beautiful brown eyes ever. I put my foot on the chair so I could reach, it looked like if he touched my hand I would jump on stage. He seriously wanted to touch my hand. I could feel it, But the security said "Stay in your seat, Miss!" and I backed away when I was one inch away from Nick, and I shook my head and mouthed 'sorry! :(" and he gave me a puppy dog face and my heart broke. and he ran back to the other catwalk with Joe and Kevin. If you don't believe this, you don't have to. But believe me it happened. When he gave me that puppy face, my heart just broke to pieces. But it was the best moment of my life even if it was 6 seconds long. =]

Then it was a long drive up home.

That was the best night of my life! All the pictures and videos are available to see!! I feel so blessed to have had that happen. And I pray you get to experience something like that too if you have yet to go to a world tour concert, it is the best feeling ever and all of you Jonas fans are beautiful and will stand out to them!

- Jordy <3

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Butterflies, Beautiful Day, And A Delicious Recipe

Why Good Morning! Did you have a great nights sleep?... That's fabulous. :) Me? Why I only got 4 minutes! 

Yes Sadly... I Technically slept on and off for 7 hours. I can't help myself!! I'm too excited to see my boys tonight!! I haven't seen them in over a year! And the worst thing? I have butterflies building their nests in my stomach... I'm hungry in my body, but my head is saying: 'Think about food? I will control your stomach to regurgitate' Yes I feel awful this morning from that. Stupid Head. Stupid Butterflies... Never thought I say this, but stupid Jonas Brothers for being so gosh darn Charming! <3

And yes, It is a beautiful morning! The sky is as clear as the ocean and the sun is bright as stagelights which will blind me tonight. It's summer days like these I never want to end. 

I'm currently waiting for my mother to wake up. Poor thing had to work until 3:30 am last night, I'm praying she can stay awake! I'm watching Mamma Mia whilst I wait, wishing I could sing along without waking her up, but that's false. Boo! 

What is this new delicious recipe? 

gli Pictures, Images and Photos


They don't look like that, they are quite adorable! Click on the picture to go to the webpage! And the frosting isn't as thick as these look. :) Each with their own style and recipe.

Nick Cupcake: Sugarfree, Red Velvet cupcake with low carb frosting - So Diabetic Nick can have a nice treat without worrying too much about his blood sugar <3

Kevin Cupcake: A very adorable dark chocolate tuxedo, It has whipped cream and a cute little tie and top hat to show he's a future groom :) 

Joe Cupcake: Dark, intense, Chocolate. With Chocolate frosting. You can add two things to it: Hard Rock, Glass Candy pieces. Edible, and you put them on top like a topping... or sticking out, showing the real Joseph is clumsy. Haha :) And to make an after Joe cupcake, Do the same except the glass candy and put kissy lips sprinkles. Smother his booboos with kisses :D

Extra - Danielle Cupcake: Kevins beautiful bride-to-be, Danielle. Vanilla cupcake with blue frosting and yellow and white sprinkles. If you can, find a veil to top it off.

=] I need to wait for my mother now, and off to Sacramento to see the Jonas Boys, with Jordin Sparks, and Honor Society! 

I'll write it all when I get home!

- Jordy

Monday, August 3, 2009

What Tomorrow Holds.

Grr... Summer's almost over :( I'm sad. Though, I will admit it. I miss school. I miss my friends, and I do miss being in Choir and Drama. But I love the hot weather and sleeping in... And after this school year, I have Junior College. But it's not the end of my childhood. I will never grow up in my heart, I'm Peter Pan. That's why they call me Wendy sometimes. 

For now, while it's still summer, here's what I have left to do before school:
Jonas Brothers Concert - TOMORROW! YAY!
License Test - August 13th
Sunsplash - No idea when that will be though. 

I'm sure I have more, but I can't remember at the moment. 

As of now, I want to talk to Emilia about New York. We both need to buy houses or Apartments there and be roomies on our mission to be Triple Threats [she's most likely going to be, I'm a beginning dancer.] But she's not on, Neither is Megan. So I'm watching JONAS and trying to pick between 2 dresses for the concert tomorrow.

Here are our choices:


So I ADORE the color on this one and how it goes against my skin. It's comfy and light, but a little snug in the hips because my hips are pretty big. But I bought this special for the concert.


Then I found this while shopping over the weekend... 

And now I can't make up my mind. :( They're both so lovely and summery, and they stand out. My mom wants the boys to see me (heck so do I!) but I cannot decide and it's making me insane. 

I'm leaning towards number 2 though. 

As for tomorrow, There is a verizon booth where they'll hold a contests with your verizon phone to with soundcheck passes. I'm praying I'll get lucky, but who knows what can happen. I hope I do get lucky and win soundcheck. But God knows what the future holds.

- Jordy