
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lazy Days, Fun Days.

I'm pretty sure we all know that I was the sleepy one here. I posted this a day later due to being "so tired" but to sum it up, it was eventful. 

It started with Church as my usual Sunday. I love church too much to miss it even for recovering from surgery. I was told I'm doing well compared to most people for the third day... still swollen like a chipmunk though! So we went through our service, it's always amazing to walk in and see everyone every sunday! Wendy, one of our leaders, actually said I'm holding up better than her son did on the third day. I'm shocked because the third day was the worst and I did alot yesterday.

After Church, India, Kevin, Tyler and I went to Lunch. Japanese Buffet FTW!!! I had noodles... Kevin was nice and gave me some of his salmon, but I forgot to tell him once I swallowed it that I hate fish. India and Tyler are special Ed according to how they eat crab. It was hilarious watching them try to get it out of the hard shell! And Tyler made a funny: 

Tyler: Taco Porn? 
Kevin: O_O. 

Then there was a moment when Kevin dropped what I think was his straw rapper in his drink and he screamed. It was an entertaining Lunch. We would have been reported, it's a good thing the place was empty!

After lunch we went to Kevins. He's got a nice place... tis cozy. India and I fell asleep for a few minutes on their couches while Tyler was committing suicide on Call of Duty 4 and Kevin had 10 minutes of World of Warcraft. Then Kevin played random videos on his computer - Amazing Sound System! - Quote: I wish I was reincarnated as your feet so I will never have to see you again. That guy was a comic genius!! The script was so messed up though! Renee came home with Kevins brother Sam later too and we all talked and had a good time, Kevin made Tyler eat a hot pepper. I could have had one, but my mouth still in this condition would NOT survive. 

We ended up looking for movies to go see, guess what it was? Nothing other than Transformers: Rise of the Fallen. INTENSE. I don't have bragging rights because I fell asleep for only 5 minutes! 5 MINUTES and I get made fun of for it. India was totally reacting, so did I at a few points. We awwed, we cried, we laughed until we almost fell into the theatre seats. It was an amazing movie! I recommend it. :) So much action and violence... explosives every 5 seconds! 

After the movies we were going to go back to my place to swim at the lake, but we'd have to get India's swimsuit, Tylers, and Kevins, So what else other than Gas money got in the way. We went to the funpark for a few minutes and I used like 8 dollars on the plush machine trying to win Kevin a Kakashi doll... fail. I FAIL. India was blaming Kevin for doing that do me, but no. I use up one dollar on those machines it turns into 100 dollars. I didn't win anything :( After this we went to Indias to plan where to go, but her Mom gave her a curfew for studying so we ended up swimming at her Aunts house, very nice people! And we had fun even though I almost stepped on Red ants walking there... and on the way back? mosquitos.

Tyler almost couldn't drive me and Kevin home, he was so tired but he managed. Kevin and I offered to drive in case he crashed, but we were kidding. He just barely made it out of my gated community in one piece. The rest of the ride... it was different - Tyler. 

Haha :) I wish every day of my summer was like that with them! Thank you so much, you 3. 

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